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Improving Cybersecurity in the Contact Center: How to Reduce the Risk of a Breach  [Webinar]

Written by Foregenix | 10/26/17 2:02 PM


The negative impact of a data breach has wide reaching consequences, it’s not something that can be solved with a “Sorry” and a slap on the wrist. Alongside PCI DSS, new GDPR legislation coming into force in May 2018 will be putting even more pressure on businesses to keep their cyber-security at a high standard. 

Data breaches bring heavy financial costs, massive reputational damage, not to mention the customers who actually become a victim to the resulting fraudulent activity. Due to the fines, penalties and reputational damage, many companies find themselves going out of business.

The US’ National Cyber Security Alliance found that 60% of small businesses are unable to sustain their business within six months of a cyber-attack. At this point you need to ask yourself, is it worth the risk?

According to a survey carried out by Semafone, over 70% of contact centers require customers to read their credit card numbers aloud over the phone. Another 30% reported that agents have access to customers’ payment card information even when they’re not on the phone with the customer. If this data is being stored without adequate protection, it’s easy pickings for anyone who decides to break into the environment.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to protect yourself, Jon Pitts, Managing Director at Foregenix will be joining David Scheidemantel, Solutions Consultant at Semafone to spearhead a webinar focussing on:

  • The current threat landscape organisations are facing – Including internal and external threats.
  • What happens to companies after a breach
  • How you can avoid a data breach and obtain and maintain compliance with PCI DSS.

Running an online business isn’t the same now as it used to be. It’s no longer an issue of if you’ll be breached, but when. Make sure you register for the webinar for more information on how to protect yourself and your customers.

You'll hear expert insight from:

Jon Pitts, Managing Director, Foregenix Inc.

As a Managing Director for Foregenix, Jon works with companies to build effective payment security solutions. Previously, Jon spent 8 years as a PCI QSA consultant and manager. He’s assessed organisations across the globe and is always looking for ways to improve security, and minimize the impact of compliance for clients. 


David Scheidemantel, Solutions Consultant, Semafone

David is an expert on call centers and the technologies that power them. Having spent 10 years of his career in contact center operations, he then moved on to spend 15 years on the software side selling contact center software to enterprises. He currently serves as a Solutions Consultant at Semafone, where he helps customers descope their call centers and become PCI compliant.


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