Foregenix welcomes Nude Web Design and Mole Productions as official partners of its FGX-Web product.
Nude Web Design and Mole Productions now offer FGX-Web to protect their clients' e-commerce websites from increasing threats, attacks and data breaches.

In the past 10 years we've handled thousands of cases where vulnerable e-commerce websites have been hacked, leaking millions of customer card data and personal information.
With one of the largest Forensics teams in Europe, this wealth of experience and knowledge has resulted in a web security solution, providing intelligence as well as protection to SME websites all over the world.
FGX-Web contains all the features that can secure an e-commerce website from 99.9% of online attacks. With realtime data analytics, FGX-Web provides clear risk profiling and security posture visibility across an e-commerce portfolio.
"FGX-Web Protect provides enterprise-level protection in a comprehensive,
scalable and cost-effective solution."
– Steve Jones, Managing Director at HBS Consultants.
What FGX-Web offers
✔ Malware Detection ✔ Unprotected Card Holder Data ✔ Unplanned Website Changes ✔ Webshells/Backdoors ✔ Website Plugin Verification
✔ Rapid Response Forensic Support ✔ Malware Removal Support ✔ Backdoor/Webshell Removal Support
✔ 24/7 Website Protection ✔ Advanced Managed WAF ✔ SQL Injection & XSS Protection ✔ Remote File Inclusion Protection
✔ PCI Compliance Security Monitoring ✔ Automated/Customisable Detection & Alerting ✔ Managed Service Options ✔ An extension of your team