Magento Update: Magento has announced a new patch available for Magento Community versions older than and Magento Enterprise versions older than
If you own or run a Magento installation, we recommend that you install this patch as soon as possible in order to prevent any possible exploits.
Magento has stated that in order to address some of these security issues, this patch may affect performance or access to some 3rd party extensions and plugins. Many developers are aware of this and are amending their plugins accordingly, but as a precaution there is a compatibility mode within SUPEE-6788 that limits the effectiveness of this patch. This is called the 'Admin Routing Compatibility Mode', which is turned 'on' by default.
You must turn off 'Admin Routing Compatibility Mode' under 'Admin > Security' to enable all features of this patch.
If you have any questions or are concerned with the security of your website, please contact our expert security team.